
Modica, 1958
Architect, PhD


Modica, 1958
Architect, PhD

Full Professor of Architectural Design in the Faculty of Architecture at Sapienza University of Rome.
Dean of the Faculty of Architecture since 2020, former Director of the Department of Architecture and Design (2016-2020). Director of the Doctorate School in Architectural Sciences – Sapienza University of Rome; Coordinator of the PhD in Architecture Theories and Design – Sapienza University of Rome; Head of Macroarea D of the Scientific-Editorial Council and Member of the Management Committee of Sapienza Università Editrice (SUE); Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Director of ArchiDiAP; Expert Member of the Superior Council of Public Works; Member of the Scientific Committee of the Inter-University Centre “IDEE PER ROMA – LE UNIVERSITÀ ROMANE PER LA CAPITALE”; CRUI (Conference of Italian University Rectors) contact person for the implementation of the provisions on the Profession of Architect; deputy president and member of the CUIA Council – Italian University Conference of Architecture; member of Scientific Committees of publishing series and scientific journals; member of Selection Boards for international competitions and Research Seminars.

He is a member of reviewers for the VQR and of juries for national and international design competitions. Former Director of the Department of Architecture and Design (DiAP) – Sapienza University of Rome (2016-2020); former member of the IN/ARCH Lazio scientific committee; former member of the advisory commission for the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy on behalf of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers; former director of the Quasar Institute in Rome in the seven-year period 2000/2007 (today Quasar Design University); former president of the Culture Commission of the Faculty of Architecture at Sapienza University of Rome. Within DiAP he directs the ArCo (Architecture, Art and Contexts) workshop; he has directed the series Print Dottorato, DiAP Print/Progetti and DiAP Print/Teorie for Quodlibet. He has participated in design competitions and won prizes and awards. His work has been exhibited at the Venice Biennale and in group exhibitions in Rome, Barcelona and Delft.

Projects and writings appear in national and international publications and magazines. His most recent realisations include the Fellini Museum in Rimini, the new Corso Trento e Trieste in Lanciano, the Piazza delle Pietre d’Italia (first part of the Museo Diffuso della Grande Guerra) in Redipuglia, and the installation for the exhibition Comunicare la Democrazia. Press and Public Opinion at the Origins of Democracy, at the Sala della Regina in Montecitorio. In addition to urban design research focused mainly on the contemporary condition of the city, he has undertaken more complex and original trajectories on the intersection of architecture, art and new technologies. Since 2002, he has conceived and produced works such as Physico, Sylvatica, Pycta and Hallalunalalone as part of Altroequipe, where he conducted research based on the interaction between dance, sound, architecture and the technologies of motion capture and motion graphics.

He conceived ArchiDiAP, of which he is the editorial director, and the event “Roma come stai?” and leads the Architecture Conversations at Palazzo Venezia, within the event VIVE (formerly ArtCity) curated by Edith Gabrielli. He is the author of over one hundred essays on the themes of architectural and urban design theories and techniques and, among other publications, of: The Walls of Rome. Una infrastruttura culturale ed ecologica per la città contemporanea, Quodlibet 2024; Raffaele Panella, Collana Maestri Romani, LetteraVentidue 2021; Il Colosseo, la piazza, il museo, la città, Collana DiAP PRINT, Quodlibet 2021; Roma tra il fiume, il bosco e il mare, Collana DiAP PRINT / PROGETTI, Quodlibet 2019; Lo storico scellerato, Collana DiAP PRINT / TEORIE, Quodlibet 2019; Roma in movimento. Pontoons to connect disconnected territories, Series DiAP PRINT / PROJECTS, Quodlibet 2019; Something about architecture. Figures and thoughts in composition, DiAP PRINT / THEORIES series, Quodlibet 2018; The dissertation in Architectural Design. Suggestions for a Doctoral Dissertation, DiAP PRINT / THEORIES Series, Quodlibet 2017.
In addition to developing a profitable and constant publishing activity, he is an architectural consultant for Public Authorities and Institutions. He directs and coordinates research groups and design workshops and is curator of national and international architecture exhibitions and conferences.

Orazio Carpenzano